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Google the term, “workplace drama” and you will get 55,000,000 results. Why? Because it is one of the most common culprits of workplace dysfunction. As a leader it is up to you to create a drama-free …

Date posted: March 2, 2021

Categories: Communication

I recently spoke with a CEO, who was venting his frustration over their poor patient satisfaction scores. He gave me a whole list of best practices they had tried, but didn’t stick. Hearing this once …

Date posted: February 25, 2021

Categories: Culture

Keeping in close touch with both the patients and the staff is key when it comes to creating a more patient-centered culture. A leader sends a strong message that service is a top priority and not …

Date posted: February 23, 2021

Categories: Leadership

Coaching is a vital skill for leaders at all levels and is essential to achieving optimal performance of your team. Great coaches are made, not born. They learn and apply the skills needed to be a …

Date posted: February 16, 2021

Categories: Articles - Leadership

I was speaking with a hospital CEO recently about their troubling turnover rates, when he hit on an age-old problem. He pointed out that they continue to promote good workers to management positions …

Date posted: January 28, 2021

Categories: Employee Relations

Have you ever had a difficult employee, who you’ve had to repeatedly coach, or counsel, because of marginal performance and toxic attitude? They may somehow manage to improve just enough to get …

Date posted: January 26, 2021

Categories: Managing
