Posted by Angela Fieler
I had the opportunity to observe a primary care physician interact with an elderly patient yesterday. The physician was sitting at eye level with the patient, making good …
Posted by Angela Fieler
I had the opportunity to observe a primary care physician interact with an elderly patient yesterday. The physician was sitting at eye level with the patient, making good …
There are millions of things healthcare providers can learn from lab values and imaging results. But it’s important to remember that those are indicators of the physical condition and not a whole …
Innovations in technology have helped to make great strides in improving the patient experience. That is, when they are used. Take the patient portal for example. My team and I recently conducted …
Posted by Angela Fieler
You know how the story starts: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” How many people do or could use this opener to describe a recent healthcare …
Written By: Kristin Baird, RN, BSN, MHA
Here’s a little good news/bad news about employee engagement according to the most recent research on the subject from Gallup:
The good news—employee …
Healthcare suffers from terminal uniqueness. It’s a condition where you constantly explain why your situation is different from everyone else’s in healthcare. This helps you to ascribe to excuses for …
Written By: Angela Fieler, MPA, CMQ/OE, Senior Consultant
We were working with a senior leadership team recently on culture change, discussing next steps. The team leader stopped the discussion …
It’s often difficult to comprehend everything that factors into the patient experience. The simplest way to summarize it is with people, processes and place.
When looking at the people element, …
We often hear people say, “Keep your eye on the prize,” in reference to goals. In patient experience terms, that “prize” often refers to the patient satisfaction scores.
The problem with this line …
Written By: Kristin Baird, RN, BSN, MHA
Everybody loves a great story. For healthcare professionals that’s a great thing because, within the walls of our organizations, every day, there are …