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Review by: Kristin Baird, RN, BSN, MHA

What does culture and patient experience have to do with starfish? More than you might think. In their book, the Starfish and the Spider, Brafman and …

Date posted: April 23, 2018

Categories: Book Reviews

Posted by Kristin Baird

We’re understaffed – 3 words that shake patient confidence

I cannot think of one time in my career when I heard caregivers complain about being overstaffed. Being …

Date posted: April 19, 2018

Categories: Attitude Culture Organization Building Blocks

Surprises can be exciting when it comes to birthday gifts, but patients really don’t appreciate surprises. When I interview patients about what is most important to them about their care, being …

Date posted: April 17, 2018

Categories: Communication

“I’d love this job if it wasn’t for the patients.” Hopefully this negative line sounds ridiculous to anyone working in healthcare. After all – without patients, there is no healthcare industry. And …

Date posted: April 12, 2018

Categories: Communication

We’ve all heard the saying, “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.”  While there is truth in that statement, let’s not forget the importance of the last impression. It’s the …

Date posted: March 27, 2018

Categories: Patient Experience

A friend of mine recently shared a great story with me about her daughter’s recent emergency department visit. She had taken her daughter to the ED with complaints of severe stomach pain after having …

Date posted: March 13, 2018

Categories: Customer Service Skills
