Written By: Kristin Baird, RN, BSN, MHA
“Perfect is the enemy of good” is an aphorism that is widely attributed to Voltaire, but others have made similar points:
Confucius: “Better a diamond …
Written By: Kristin Baird, RN, BSN, MHA
“Perfect is the enemy of good” is an aphorism that is widely attributed to Voltaire, but others have made similar points:
Confucius: “Better a diamond …
Posted by Kristin Baird
After touring hundreds of hospitals and healthcare facilities in the course of my career, I am still amazed at the number of handmade signs taped on doors, windows, and …
Posted by Kristin Baird
In all the years that I have been consulting on culture and patient experience, I’ve only come across two organizations that didn’t have stated values. In both cases, the …
Posted by Kristin Baird
Have you ever had someone give you truth that shocked or embarrassed you, but you knew it was for your own good? Whether it’s spinach in your teeth or the proverbial toilet …
Posted by Kristin Baird
The TV commercials look great. The website is up and is getting rave reviews. The growth strategy and marketing plans are on schedule, but patient volume remains the same. …
Posted by Kristin Baird
Everyone has some baggage. For some, it’s as small as a sandwich bag, but for others, baggage is as weighty as a full moving van. What we choose to carry is fully up to us. …
Posted by Kristin Baird
We are such creatures of habit. It is that tendency that causes us to look past the things that can diminish a positive customer experience. Often times as a result of …
By: Angela Fieler, MPA, CMQ/OE, Senior Consultant
In his new book, Justin Bariso set out to inspire people like me, who measured their emotional intelligence but didn’t really apply the concepts. …
Written By: Kristin Baird, RN, BSN, MHA
The CEO just walked into your office and says – “Get these scores up now!” What do you do? How do you react? The CEO and other senior leader priorities …
Posted by Kristin Baird
Culture is created and sustained by the stories told by its people. When you think about your organization, what stories are being shared? How are you seeking stories? …