Brian Hooser is an experienced healthcare leader who combines his background as an educator with his clinical experience in leading patient experience and culture transformation. He began his …
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Have you ever thought about the word grit? When I think about grit, I realize that it can have a negative impression as well as a positive one. I don’t like the feel of grit underneath my shoes if …
Throughout my years consulting on company culture, engagement, and patient experience, I have only encountered a few organizations that did not have stated values. In both cases, their CEOs dismissed …
Creating an ideal culture in your healthcare organization requires a deep commitment to ongoing communication. Leaders cannot expect to convey their message effectively by saying it just once. …
Leadership is all about setting an example and inspiring others to follow your lead. A great leader is someone who is transparent, ethical, and accountable. When it comes to maintaining standards, a …
Across the country, legions of disengaged workers punch the clock daily. Their managers either don’t realize, don’t care (if they’re disengaged themselves), or just don’t know what to do about it. In …
Empathy is what puts the care into healthcare. Without it, patients become just a number, just a case, just a disease. The same goes for your staff. Without empathy, you risk your staff losing …
Every hospital we’ve ever worked with has a series of expectations for their staff members related to the patient experience. Things like addressing patients by their preferred name or taking …
The difference between mediocre workers and top performers is not the goals they set but rather the accountability they have for achieving their goals. I often find that lack of accountability is the …
We know the ties between patient experience and employee engagement are clear. We also know disengagement can wreak havoc on patient experience and team morale.
I hear from many leaders that feel …