You’re in the cafeteria when a political ad comes on the television, prompting a heated discussion among a group of employees on their lunch break.
A patient asks you what you think about the …
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Last week we talked about the challenges healthcare leaders face in navigating change and bringing their organizations along with them on the change journey. We talked about the importance of tilling …
To say that change is a constant is trite because it’s true—especially in healthcare. Even before the pandemic, healthcare was a constantly changing and shifting industry. But the pandemic brought a …
Healthcare leaders are busy. That doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone, especially healthcare leaders. Healthcare is an industry that has experienced significantly high levels of burnout …
As I mentioned in my last blog post, burnout is rampant among healthcare leaders. Yet, despite feeling the stress and overwhelm that comes with that burnout, many leaders find themselves unable to …
I was recently looking for a new doctor and went to a health system’s website to find one I might want to connect with. I found one, and reached out through the site’s online scheduling option to set …
The foundation of my healthcare background is public health. That’s where I started my career and I maintain a passion for addressing community health needs through my work with healthcare …
Employee engagement, or employee satisfaction, surveys are a commonly used tool to assess employee sentiment in healthcare settings. Keeping tabs on how engaged employees are is a leading indicator …
How do you learn best? Some of us are visual learners. Some auditory. Some tactile. But all of us can benefit from the power of learning with others. In leadership development, a cohort is a group of …
For the past two years I have had the pleasure of working with a CEO who puts culture first and his results are phenomenal. Turnover dropped from 29% in 2022 to 1.74% to date in 2024, engagement has …