Archive: Empathy

When Data Outpaces Human Interaction

A few weeks ago, I accompanied my daughter when she had an emergency admission for appendicitis. As always, there was the waiting game for tests and results in the ED. Patients crave information when they are in crisis. Their minds ...

Leading with Heart: Showing You Care

Great leaders understand that their team members are their most valuable asset, and they prioritize building strong relationships based on trust, respect, and genuine care. But showing up every day and handing out a few words of platitude isn't going ...

Flexible Scheduling for Nurses or Lip Service?

As healthcare struggles with staffing shortages, I’m continually baffled by the lack of flexible scheduling for nurses. This past week I spoke with a young nurse who told me she wants to continue working at the bedside but cannot work ...

Fostering Engagement Through Empathy

Empathy is what puts the care into healthcare. Without it, patients become just a number, just a case, just a disease. The same goes for your staff. Without empathy, you risk your staff losing interest in their job and the ...

Do Small Things in a Great Way

It’s no secret that small things add up quickly when it comes to the patient experience. Because high-quality and safe care is assumed by the patients and residents, it is often the small acts of kindness that stand out the most. Throughout ...

In These Scary Times, Look for the Helpers

Between the COVID surge and the rioting at the capital, there are many reasons for us to feel frightened, anxious, and sad because there is so much that is beyond our control. This is the perfect time to remember the ...

Show More Empathy for a Better Patient Experience

Posted by Kristin Baird Empathy is an essential element in a good patient experience, yet many providers miss important cues. In the past few weeks I have shadowed a number of hospitalists to help them improve their patient interactions. During hours ...
