Ownership and Culture

In my experience, organizations can only create a consistently positive patient experience when they foster a culture of ownership. This starts when leaders help every employee to see his connection to the organization’s success. It requires a mindset that is encouraged from the first day of orientation and is coached and reinforced throughout employment.

Organizations that have high levels of ownership have better engagement, productivity, and financial success.

Here are a few ways to build ownership:

  • Define it clearly
  • Set clear expectations of your team
  • Model it
  • Hire for accountability
  • Recognize your team members

When employees own the team, the environment, and the customer experience, you are much more likely to achieve consistency.

Cultures that permit blame and/or excuses are not likely to have a high degree of ownership. Take the time to define what it looks like and be sure to recognize people when they take control. The more you do this, the more people will follow your lead.

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