Who’s Eroding Your Leadership Credibility? – Could be you.

Across the country, legions of disengaged workers punch the clock daily. Their managers either don’t realize, don’t care (if they’re disengaged themselves), or just don’t know what to do about it. In today’s world with tight staffing and limited talent pool, many managers don’t want to make waves at risk of losing staff. No matter the cause, when leaders tolerate bad behavior their own leadership credibility is on the line.

When I coach leaders about disengaged staff, I hear all manner of complaints about bad behavior But, after their complaints air, I like to ask one question: “Who do they (the disengaged employees) work for?” That’s a pain point. Every person who complained about the energy-sucking staff member is hit with a hard dose of reality. After all – they are the managers. And, ultimately, they have been permitting bad behavior.

What Behavior Are You Endorsing?

Every minute of every day, managers are endorsing behaviors either actively or passively. The question is…is it good behavior that should continue, or is it bad behavior that should be stopped? By not confronting bad behaviors, leaders passively endorse them which ultimately erodes the culture and the leader’s credibility. Disengagement is contagious, and I’ve seen it run rampant in organizations. Your star performers see that some employees get away with the bare minimum and wonder if you are serious about standards or if they are mere suggestions. They see it, and if it continues for too long, they’ll grow to resent it or find another organization more aligned with their values.

Regaining Your Leadership Credibility

Not all disengaged employees are lost causes, though. Leaders can impact employees at all levels of engagement and transform them into true team players by creating an environment where coaching is part of the day-to-day culture. Coaching can increase employee engagement. And engagement, in turn, promotes both employee retention and a better patient experience.

Keep in mind that coaching isn’t only limited to formal coaching relationships. In a broader sense, it’s a means of managing, communicating, and engaging those around you. At Baird Group, we define coaching as A supportive relationship that fosters learning, transformation, and growth. Accordingly, the key to success lies in helping leaders become strong coaches who can have difficult conversations. Coaching is a core leadership skill.

Your leadership credibility matters. Learn the keys to coaching for improved engagement, along with the seven other core skills of effective and respected leaders. Be the Leader Nobody Wants to Leave is an eight-week, blended learning course that includes personal and group coaching for a fully personalized learning experience. Click here to learn more, or schedule a free 30-minute consultation to learn more.

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