Welcome Back – Let’s Normalize the Career Break

This morning I was reading an article in Harvard Business Review about the importance of employers normalizing a career break. This makes such good sense, especially for nurses and other caregivers who are questioning a career change after a grueling year.  

College professors have sabbaticals, allowing them time away from the classroom.  Maybe it is time to re-think how we treat gaps in resumes. Traditionally, eyed with suspicion, today’s workers want more balance and therefore it is not uncommon for an extended career break. 

When an employee says he/she needs to take a break from their careers, make sure you let them know the door is open for them to come back. In fact, check in with them periodically. It keeps the door open and makes it safe for them to say they are ready to return.  

1 https://hbr.org/2021/04/companies-should-do-more-to-normalize-career-breaks?utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=dailyalert_actsubs&utm_content=signinnudge&deliveryName=DM126621

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