Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

In These Scary Times, Look for the Helpers

Between the COVID surge and the rioting at the capital, there are many reasons for us to feel frightened, anxious, and sad because there is so much that is beyond our control. This is the perfect time to remember the ...

Protect Your Culture Against Negativity

The COVID vaccine has dominated the news for weeks as we celebrate frontline workers receiving the long-awaited injections, to protect them.  As a former public health nurse, I am a staunch believer in vaccines. They protect us against nasty viruses that ...

Leadership 2021

As we wrap up 2020, and look to the future, it is crucial that leaders take stock of what the past year revealed about us as people and as leaders. What did the challenges show you about yourself related to: ResilienceCommunicationPrioritizationAbility ...

Hit the Reset Button

This week between Christmas and New Year’s Day is one of my favorite times of year because it is typically down time for most businesses. For me, this down time affords me the quiet time needed to reflect on the ...

No Crystal Ball for 2021? You Can Still Plan Ahead

How you lead in 2021 will be crucial to your team and your own leadership trajectory.  Nothing puts a leader to the test more than a crisis, especially when that crisis lasts for months. The COVID-19 pandemic tests everyone, but ...

The COVID Family Experience – Firsthand

COVID has hit home giving me firsthand insight into the patient and family experience.  For years, hospitals and health systems have made the patient and family experience a top priority. And for the last several years, great progress has been made ...

Lessons From the Field: Be Resilient, Not Resentful

Let’s be honest - 2020 has been rough. Between the pandemic, the election, the civil unrest, the wildfires, and the weather, it’s hard to find the “good news.” There have certainly been a lot of headlines about the heroes in ...

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