Ageism in Healthcare: A Persistent Barrier to Cohesion

Whether employees, providers, or patients, it’s not okay

“Members of Gen Z are lazy and entitled.”

“Millennials are narcissistic and unreliable.”

“Baby boomers lack technology skills and are averse to change.”

These are just a few of the ageist remarks I have heard from healthcare leaders and staff. The healthcare workforce, like most workforces these days, is quite diverse. We’ve gone a long way toward the acceptance of people with a wide range of cultural and social backgrounds. There’s been significant emphasis on being inclusive and making people feel welcome in teams and organizations.

However, one of the most insidious biases that still prevails is ageism.

It’s common for people to talk about Gen Z or millennials wanting too much, or baby boomers not keeping up with the times. There’s a lot of finger-pointing going on—much of it leveled at a person’s or group’s age.

Patient Outcomes

Studies show that about 20% of people over 50 have faced age-based discrimination in healthcare settings. This form of discrimination doesn’t just hurt their feelings—it also impacts their healthcare outcomes, leading to cognitive decline, increased numbers and length of hospital stays, and sub-optimal healthcare outcomes.

It’s a growing concern.

The average age of healthcare workers, including physicians and nurses, is around 53.9 years old, landing them in the Generation X group. And that number is increasing.

Stress and Burnout

Ageist attitudes among healthcare workers can also negatively impact their own health leading to burnout, stress, and emotional issues.

We’re already seeing the implications of an aging workforce and the need to keep older workers engaged and on board because there simply won’t be enough talent to replace them or their intellectual capital.

Beyond practical, bottom-line concerns, though, it’s simply the responsibility of healthcare organizations to ensure a positive and inclusive environment for all staff and patients.

It’s going to be increasingly critical to remain mindful and to put a stop to any type of ageist talk in our organizations. We need to work harder to help people understand each other and embrace each other’s differences. Those differences can lead to innovation and cohesiveness.

We have a lot to learn from each other. If we continue to allow labeling and stereotyping, we’re not doing our organization or culture any favors.

Here are a few things leaders can do:

  • Be alert to comments revealing ageism
  • Increase awareness about how ageism manifests in the work environment
  • Foster a diverse and age-inclusive culture beginning at orientation
  • Establish zero tolerance of age discrimination
  • Encourage intergenerational collaboration on teams and committees
  • Put forth a diverse image representing all ages on your website and recruitment materials
  • Regularly assess the organization’s policies and practices to ensure the workplace is free from ageism

What are you doing to raise awareness of ageism and the need to be inclusive of all employee differences in your workplace?




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