The real cost of disengaged employees

Posted by Kristin Baird

One of my favorite workshops to deliver is “Coaching for Engagement and Improved Performance”. Why? Because I love to see lightbulbs going on as participants start to make the connections between their leadership styles, and the overall engagement of their team members.

Last week I did an abbreviated session for a group of ambulatory surgery center leaders. They had a lively discussion about how disengaged individuals perform and the effect they have on others. They discussed:

  • Performance
  • What behaviors they observed
  • The impact disengaged employees had on others

When I showed them the financial impact each disengaged person was having on their business, I could see the shock on their faces. They had identified that the staff that underperformed at their jobs but, they also eroded morale and contributed to the turnover of high performing team members.

Who do disengaged employees work for?

Worst of all, it was the disengaged staff that sucked the managers’ energy and time. This is where I ask the million dollar question: “Who do they (disengaged employees) work for?”

That’s the pain point. Every person in the room who was complaining about the energy-sucking staff member was struck with a hard dose of reality. After all – they were the managers.

That’s where coaching comes in. I’m all for being fair to employees, so that means coaching. But when you reach the point where you have coached, guided, reprimanded and still don’t see the necessary changes, well… it’s time to cut your losses and free up some futures.

Baird Group offers an engaging, hands-on, experiential half-day workshop on Coaching for Engagement and Improved Performance.

  1. Let’s Free up Some Futures!
  2. How NOT to Talk to a Disengaged Employee
  3. Are you Permitting Too Much?
  4. Keep Calm and Get Real
  5. Compassion Fatigue is Real
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