Set Expectations About the Attitude People Bring to Work

I ran across a post on LinkedIn a few days ago that really caught my attention. There was a photo of a sign at the employee entrance at Indiana University Health. It set the expectations for attitude. It said:

Please take responsibility for the energy you bring into this space.

Your words matter. Your behaviors matter. Our patients and our teams matter. 

Take a slow, deep breath and make sure your energy is in check before entering. 

Thank you. 

This simple sign made me think about all the expectations we set for our employees about everything from uniforms to infection control and safety standards. But do we set clear expectations about attitude? 

Cultures evolve slowly and can surreptitiously develop a tolerance for certain behaviors that, when evaluated, are not consistent with the organizational values. 

I applaud Indiana University Health for reminding employees to get centered as they approach their work. If patients and teams really matter, then so does the employee’s attitude. Remind them to own it. 

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