Archive: Patient Experience

Proud to be Average?

Posted by Kristin Baird Yesterday I was at a stoplight behind a car with bumper stickers that said, “Proud parent of an honor student.” We love to celebrate success, don’t we? You won’t see bumper stickers boasting about a student getting ...

Service Heroes are Often Quiet

I love hearing and sharing stories of service heroes. These stories are heart-warming and inspirational, but all too often go untold. That’s because most truly service-minded people take action based on their values, not to get applause. They quietly go ...

The Best and Worst of Healthcare

August 1st marked the second anniversary of the day we brought my sister home to die. Having been in the hospital for 22 months with complications from post-operative wound separation and subsequent sepsis, she experienced both the best and worst ...

Lessons on Service Recovery From an Irate Customer

Posted by Kristin Baird We all have those experiences as consumers when things don’t go as expected. We might be disappointed in a meal at a restaurant, or wait longer than expected in line or in the waiting room. But then ...

Watch the Hassle-Factor in Patient Experience

Posted by Kristin Baird When people think about improving the patient experience, it’s important to pay close attention to the hassle factor. Here it is, 2019, and we have more apps and other communication tools than any time in history – ...

Patient-Centered? Look More Closely.

Posted by Kristin Baird You could say it’s false advertising, but maybe it’s that health systems suffer from a case of “We’ve-always-done-it-this-way” that keeps them from being truly patient-centered. One of the best examples of this is when clinics schedule appointments ...

The Secret to Service Recovery

Posted by Kristin Baird Try as we might, there are times things go wrong and we disappoint our patients and other customers. There is plenty of data out there about the importance of healthcare service recovery, yet, very few healthcare organizations ...

The Nurses’ Hands

Last week was Nurses Week. It thrilled me to see everything from billboards to news articles, balloons and other fanfare celebrating this great profession of ours. I didn’t want to blog about Nurses Week. I felt my words would be ...

What the Lab Results Won’t Show You

There are millions of things healthcare providers can learn from lab values and imaging results. But it’s important to remember that those are indicators of the physical condition and not a whole person’s condition. A blood panel won’t confirm that ...

What Patients Say About Their Portal Experience

Innovations in technology have helped to make great strides in improving the patient experience. That is, when they are used. Take the patient portal for example. My team and I recently conducted patient focus groups in three unique markets to ...
