Archive: Culture

Culture is a way of life, not a project

Posted by Kristin Baird We help organizations maneuver culture change. And the difference between the ones who succeed and those who struggle comes down to a couple of significant factors. For one thing, the most successful organizations realize that culture change ...

Where are you going?

Posted by Kristin Baird This question must be answered when leading an organization through culture change. Yet, many leaders don’t take the time to clearly articulate the vision for the culture of the future. This results in wasted time and energy, ...

People are Quitting Your Culture

Posted by Kristin Baird Over the years, I’ve tried to stay in touch with my college friends. Of course, it isn’t always easy when juggling nursing careers, family, and further education.  This summer I made a special point of re-connecting with two ...

Culture Change Today at 2:00

Posted by Kristin Baird If only a culture change could be set as an appointment on a calendar. You can plan out what the culture will be and announce when it would take place. Done. In truth, culture changes take time. Cultures ...

Trust and Transparency

Posted by Kristin Baird Leaders who want to build a culture of trust will get further, faster through transparency. Over the years, I have witnessed countless leaders struggling with lack of trust in their organizations. The ones who overcome trust issues are ...

Baggage Weighs Down Culture

Posted by Kristin Baird Everyone has some baggage. For some, it’s as small as a sandwich bag, but for others, baggage is as weighty as a full moving van. What we choose to carry is fully up to us. When it ...

Focus on Culture and Scores Will Follow

Posted by Kristin Baird HCAHPS has leveled the playing field when it comes to measuring patient satisfaction. But with the publicly reported scores has come a nearly obsessive focus on the numbers. I must admit that I get impatient with healthcare ...

Is Your Leadership Driving BMWs?

Posted by Kristin Baird Language is an important part of culture, and leaders are vital in creating a common language. The problem is that people are often unaware of the communication habits, such as BMW, that prevail. A few months ago I was spending time ...

Don’t Say That!

Posted by Kristin Baird We’re understaffed – 3 words that shake patient confidence I cannot think of one time in my career when I heard caregivers complain about being overstaffed. Being understaffed, however is a daily occurrence in hospitals and medical practices ...
