Archive: Employee Relations

Burnout Isn’t a Personal Defect

Burnout in healthcare was on the rise prior to COVID, now the pandemic has shined a bright light on a growing problem.  Years ago, I worked for someone who confidently declared, “Burnout is a choice.” My thought then and now is ...

Welcome Back – Let’s Normalize the Career Break

This morning I was reading an article in Harvard Business Review about the importance of employers normalizing a career break. This makes such good sense, especially for nurses and other caregivers who are questioning a career change after a grueling ...

Recognition is Like Manure

In the play, Hello Dolly, Dolly Levi says, “Money is like manure. It’s not worth a thing unless you spread it around helping young things to grow.” Substitute the word money in this quote with the word, recognition and you ...

Great Intentions Don’t Deliver Results

I was speaking with a hospital CEO recently about their troubling turnover rates, when he hit on an age-old problem. He pointed out that they continue to promote good workers to management positions when they lack leadership skills and experience. ...

Great Coaches are Coached Themselves

One of the keys to great leadership is having good coaching skills. The problem is many newly minted managers and supervisors lack these skills. Healthcare organizations, in particular, often have good intentions for development, but never bring them to fruition. ...

Be the leader nobody wants to leave

That’s a hefty order. I recently conducted in-depth interviews with CNOs from across the country. During the interviews, the majority said that weak leadership at the department level is a major part of the problem. Most said that it stems ...

Nurses Leave Their Managers, Not Their Jobs

Turnover is costly in every profession, but in nursing it takes its toll. Not only financially, but it affects quality, safety, and service.  The 2020 NSI National Health Care Retention & RN Staffing Report, found that the average cost per ...

3 Ways to Keep Millennial Employees Engaged

It’s not unusual to hear Boomer leaders lamenting about how quickly Millennial workers leave positions for new opportunities. The truth is, these are two very different generations with very different life experiences. Rather than disparaging the entire Millennial workforce, it’s ...

People Leave Their Managers, Not Their Jobs

Posted by Kristin Baird For years I’ve heard that employees leave their managers, not the organization. This adage was confirmed as a reality when I conducted interviews with CNOS across the country to learn the cause and effects of nurse turnover.  The ...
