Archive: Articles - Employee Relations

Fostering Civility in an Increasingly Uncivil World

You’re in the cafeteria when a political ad comes on the television, prompting a heated discussion among a group of employees on their lunch break. A patient asks you what you think about the upcoming election and Bozo ...

Pizza and platitudes won’t improve retention

Burnout, work-life balance, and sheer exhaustion plague healthcare today leading to higher turnover than ever before. Healthcare workers are being asked to work more hours and are often short-staffed. Staffing alone is stressful but add to that all the normal, ...

The Root Cause of Gossip

Just one gossip on the team can erode even the strongest organizational culture. In fact, gossip is among the top contributors to a toxic culture. Not only does it destroy trust among peers, but it decreases team and individual performance. Why ...

How Do You Show You Care?

As a leader, how you show you care at work can make the difference between an engaged workforce or a team just going through the motions. The pandemic has changed us all. The way we used to work is gone forever, ...

You Asked For It – Now What?

It’s no secret that businesses fare better when they actively seek employee input. In a recent survey, 38% of workers admit they tend to lack initiative on the job when leaders routinely dismiss their ideas. (1) Billions of dollars are spent ...

Quell the Big Quit by Connecting to Purpose

Connecting to purpose can make all the difference in engagement and job satisfaction. To counteract the Great Resignation or the “Big Quit” plaguing the country, we must look closely at the way we do work. This includes how we help ...

Hiring Gen Zs? Stop Using Boomer Strategies

If your recruiting efforts include hiring Gen Z, now is a good time to review your hiring practices. “I can get a job anywhere. I’m looking for a culture.” This statement was made by a bright and talented Gen Z woman ...

Turn the Tide on Turnover

Turnover and the great resignation are all over the headlines these days. According to McKinsey, we’re amid a “turnover tsunami” affecting workers at all career levels and wage rates.  One of the biggest reasons for the high resignation rate is the ...

From Burnout to Recovery: Re-Engaging Exhausted Staff

Burnout isn’t a new phenomenon in healthcare, but in the last 20 months, the issue has been brought to the forefront. It’s so prevalent the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) has classified it as an occupational phenomenon.  Burn-out is defined in ...

In healthcare, culture speaks louder than words

We’ve all heard it said that actions speak louder than words. But when you think about it; your organizational culture speaks louder than any ad, recruitment brochure, annual report or mission statement. It’s your culture that drives employee behaviors, determines ...
