Want Better Employee Engagement? Measure Joy

Last week I had the pleasure of attending the National Center for Healthcare Leadership’s (NCHL) conference on human capital in Chicago. I heard a number of great speakers and walked away inspired and armed with great ideas to share. One of the topics worth sharing is the concept of measuring joy.

Measure Joy

We survey our patients and employees all the time to collect hard data that drives decision-making. Most health systems don’t even measure employee engagement annually. They rely on once every three years – which is an entirely different subject for another blog. Yet, with all that measuring, we miss the opportunity to look around for signs of joy in real time.

There are things happening all around you every day that can help you measure joy among your employees. Make note of these things when rounding. Learn what makes them happy in their work and strive to duplicate those successes. Your employees and patients will thank you.

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