What’s The Story?

Posted by Kristin Baird

Culture is created and sustained by the stories told by its people. When you think about your organization, what stories are being shared? How are you seeking stories?  What channels are you using to share stories that advance the reputation, brand and values? To drive a value-based culture – one with a passion for excellence; take the time to design and execute a solid storytelling strategy. And by the way, an email or memo alone won’t do the trick to tell a story.

Break Down Silos with Stories

We were recently coaching a patient experience improvement team that was operating in a silo. They understood the concept of storytelling and its importance in creating the desired culture. Unfortunately they thought they should execute by themselves. They became frustrated when their tactics weren’t as successful as they had hoped. When we suggested that they partner with marketing and communications, there was a bit of push back. The team expressed enthusiasm and commitment, but they lacked the connection to all the communication channels. Once marketing and communications joined the team, they realized their vision much more quickly.

My colleagues at the Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development (SHSMD) are offering a course in storytelling. Check it out.

  1. What’s the Story?
  2. Leading the Patient Experience Takes Good Communication
  3. Whose Job is it Anyway?
  4. Want a 5-star Rating for your Patient Experience? Start with 5-star Leadership Practices
  5. You’re Part of the Patient’s Story
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