Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Coaching or Training?

Posted by Kristin Baird This morning I had a discussion with one of my clients about accountability. Like many leaders, she finds that holding others accountable is one of the most difficult aspects of her work. During our conversation, she shared that ...

Lessons on Service Recovery From an Irate Customer

Posted by Kristin Baird We all have those experiences as consumers when things don’t go as expected. We might be disappointed in a meal at a restaurant, or wait longer than expected in line or in the waiting room. But then ...

4 Steps to Make Training Stick

Posted by Kristin Baird Training is more than a one-and-done approach. To make your training stick, you need to follow a 4-step process: pre-work, training, coaching and finally, reinforcement. Coach, Mentor & Model Service BehaviorsTrain, Retain & SustainService Recovery Is More Than a CouponTraining is ...

Coach, Mentor & Model Service Behaviors

Posted by Kristin Baird It’s not unusual for us to hear that past training efforts just didn’t stick. When we drill down to learn what had been done in the past and how it was delivered, we’re never surprised to hear ...

Don’t Assume – Validate

Posted by Kristin Baird Setting standards and training for service behaviors are essential to creating and sustaining a human-centered culture.  The problem is that you can’t train and then assume everyone is living up to the expectations. Big mistake. It’s not what ...

3 Pitfalls to Service Recovery

Posted by Kristin Baird Service recovery is an essential in improving the patient experience. When people think of service recovery, it’s common to immediately recall the most difficult situations. For example, the caller who yelled profanities about his bill, the family ...

Let’s Get Real About Incentives

Posted by Kristin Baird It’s pretty common for me to get calls from healthcare leaders who are struggling with physician HCAHPS scores. It’s also common for me to learn that there are little or no consequences for physicians who have poor patient satisfaction scores. They ...

Patient Experience Isn’t a Program

Posted by Kristin Baird When my team and I are working with organizations, our ears prick up when we hear things like, “We had a patient experience program and it didn’t work.” Or, “We did a customer service program, but it ...

The Power of One isn’t Complicated

Every person has the power to do things differently – better than the last time. It takes just one thing. Not a policy. Not a procedure. Just a personal commitment. I see it all the time when doing shadow/coaching and the ...
