Quiet Quitting and Lazy Girl Jobs Have No Place in Healthcare

Just when I thought we had a good understanding of quiet quitting, I started seeing posts about “Lazy Girl Jobs,” and felt compelled to investigate further. While some people argue that both are really about work/life balance and the anti- hustle culture, I think it’s deeper. And sadder. I say sadder because both are indicative of a lack of connection to purpose. And life is richer when we are connected to purpose.

Doing your job with commitment and passion doesn’t mean that you must constantly go above and beyond, working overtime and never taking breaks. That classic element of the hustle culture is counter-productive, leaving people exhausted and burned out.

What are Lazy Girl Jobs?

I first heard about the Lazy Girl Jobs from a business podcast and had to learn more. After watching a few TikTok videos on the subject, I was saddened by what I heard, but also hopeful that we don’t enable that type of behavior or mindset in healthcare. Why? Because our patients turn to us at their most vulnerable moments and deserve the most compassionate and competent attention – every time.

Gallup published a report earlier this year showing that engagement is dropping across the country. Gallup identified the following elements in decline:

  • Clarity of expectations
  • Connection to mission or purpose of the company*
  • Opportunities to learn and grow
  • Opportunities to do what the employees do best
  • Feeling cared about

*The decline is real but, in my opinion, not irreparable. The study shows that younger workers are experiencing more decline in:

  • Feeling cared about
  • Having someone who encourages their development
  • Opportunities to learn and grow
  • Their opinions counting
  • Having a best friend at work

The Opportunity

As deflating as this may seem, these declining elements spell an opportunity for improvement in leadership. If you are a leader you must ask yourself what you are doing to foster these things. Is your message clear? Are you consciously helping people connect to purpose? Are you giving staff opportunities to learn and grow? How do you help them do more of what they are good at? How do you show you care?

I can say with confidence that my course, Be the Leader Nobody Wants to Leave, helps leaders to make improvements in these five key elements. Using blended learning allows new and seasoned leaders to learn and apply new skills and get feedback from private coaching. Baird Group offers private cohorts for organizations and individual enrollment in cohorts scheduled throughout the year. Find out more here or call for more information at 866-686-7672.

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