Featured Presentation Topics

Featured Presentations: Healthcare Leadership Speakers

Many organizations frequently call upon Baird Group to share our expertise at healthcare leadership events. We can provide speakers who address the following topics in our current featured presentations:


Mastering Storytelling: The Healthcare Leader’s Guide to Engaging Hearts and Minds

Great leaders are engaging storytellers. This interactive, 2-hour workshop taught by seasoned storytellers is designed to help leaders master the art of storytelling using a simple, effective tool. Available both onsite and virtually, it provides hands-on practice and peer feedback for building confidence and impactful communication. Learn more.


Coaching for Engagement and Improved Performance

Coaching is an integral part of any job in healthcare. This presentation focuses on how it affects the bottom line—showing healthcare leaders the financial impact of their current state and how much money they may be losing because of disengaged employees. Participants learn how to coach for each level of engagement—from completely detached employees to those who are highly motivated.

Hire for Fit

The job interview is one of the single most important indicators of whether you will be able to continue a culture of excellence in your organization. You need to learn how to hire the people who will align with your vision for the culture of the future. During this presentation, we offer practice interview questions and show participants how to spot behaviors and attitudes that will fit best with their organization.

Mastering the stay interview

You may have mastered the job interview. You might even nail exit interviews. But what about conversations with your employees during which you address their goals and concerns? There’s an art and science to keeping people engaged. The stay interview is your opportunity to learn how you can best support your employees. This presentation shows how you can either be part of growing them in place or pushing them out to your competition.


Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast

Baird Group offers this topic as either a keynote presentation or a hands-on workshop. During the keynote, we explain the culture driving your business imperatives and how leadership is at the core of driving that culture. The workshop gives participants an opportunity to do activities that help them identify their culture and align it to improve their strategies.

Please fill out the form below if you are interested in one of these presentation topics.
