Archive: Employee Relations

Want Better Employee Engagement? Measure Joy

Last week I had the pleasure of attending the National Center for Healthcare Leadership’s (NCHL) conference on human capital in Chicago. I heard a number of great speakers and walked away inspired and armed with great ideas to share. One ...

Moving on from betrayal at work

Workplace betrayal can have profound effect on both individuals and the entire culture. But how you manage it is up to you. You can be a victim which will keep you in a vulnerable state, or you can look squarely ...

Technically Solid but Toxic

Posted by Kristin Baird I have the utmost respect for leaders who deal with toxic behavior head on. Many healthcare leaders still look past the gossips and groaners because they have good technical skills. Some leaders feel they have to tolerate BMWs ...

Who Are Your Stars?

Posted by Kristin Baird One of the things I love about mystery shopping is that we can point out the stars who make the most positive impressions and who are living the organization’s brand promise. People think mystery shopping focuses on problems. ...

5 Tips for Celebrating & Supporting Nurses All Year

Posted by Kristin Baird It’s Nurse’s Week and I am loving all the inspiring and heart-warming articles and ads giving recognition to this most trusted profession. It’s great that once a year we put nurses in the limelight and celebrate their ...

The Power of a Simple “Thank You”

Posted by Kristin Baird Last week I blogged about the importance of taking time to celebrate successes. In our busy world, we tend to move quickly from one thing to the next. Just like celebration, it’s important to take the time to ...

Take Time to Celebrate Success

Posted by Kristin Baird Ask anyone working in healthcare and they will tell you they are busier than ever. Whether at the front lines of patient care or in the C-suite, healthcare is changing fast, steeped in regulation, and doesn’t show ...
