Archive: Coaching

Keep Calm and Get Real

Posted by Kristin Baird One thing I love about our Coaching for Engagement and Improved Performance workshop is seeing attendees reach those “Aha!” moments when they start to see their challenges in a new light. A few weeks ago, I was working ...

Coaching or Training?

Posted by Kristin Baird This morning I had a discussion with one of my clients about accountability. Like many leaders, she finds that holding others accountable is one of the most difficult aspects of her work. During our conversation, she shared that ...

How NOT to Talk to a Disengaged Employee

Posted by Kristin Baird Employee engagement is at the core of any company’s performance. But in healthcare, where the patient experience drives loyalty, trust, and even reimbursement, engagement is paramount to success. A disengaged employee needs coaching right away.  Spotting and addressing ...

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Posted by Kristin Baird These three words are the simplest, most recognizable instructions in the world. The standard for shampoo and conditioner, applies to other areas of life. Take front line customer service training for example. What if every leader whose ...

Coach, Mentor & Model Service Behaviors

Posted by Kristin Baird It’s not unusual for us to hear that past training efforts just didn’t stick. When we drill down to learn what had been done in the past and how it was delivered, we’re never surprised to hear ...

Shadow Coaches Improve the Patient Experience

Posted by Kristin Baird An aspiring athlete can read dozens of books and watch hundreds of videos on great basketball techniques, but chances are good that will have minimal effect. Unless they, 1) play an actual game with others, and 2) get ...

The Power of One isn’t Complicated

Every person has the power to do things differently – better than the last time. It takes just one thing. Not a policy. Not a procedure. Just a personal commitment. I see it all the time when doing shadow/coaching and the ...
