Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

No Pass Zones Support Nurses and Patient Experience

There is no doubt that nurses carry the bulk of patient care in hospitals. And in today’s world, patients are sicker and stay for shorter periods, meaning that more must be accomplished in a shorter period of time. In addition ...

What’s in it for me? Your patients want to know.

Posted by Kristin Baird I have become a connoisseur of healthcare marketing messages over the years and am often underwhelmed.  From billboards to TV and radio ads, I can spot a useless ad campaign within five seconds or 500 feet. The ...

Excuse Du Jour

Posted by Kristin Baird Excuses are, perhaps, the greatest barrier to achieving greatness in both our personal and professional lives. Healthcare organizations often embrace a culture of excuses without even realizing that it’s happening. I frequently witness healthcare leaders engaging in ...

Ignore Complainers at Your Own Risk

Posted by Kristin Baird  For some people, complaining is their default communication style. Often, they don’t even realize they’re a complainer because it is such an engrained habit. I worked with a woman once who looked at everything with a negative ...

Leaders don’t duck!

Most people it seems, want to avoid conflict. In fact, taking the path of least resistance is a law of nature. But that path of least resistance can also slide into avoidance behavior if you aren’t careful. Furthermore, it will ...

Defining Moments in the Patient Experience

A few weeks ago we sent a mystery shopper in to an urgent care for services. Their experience demonstrated the importance of ownership in the patient experience. The woman at the reception desk didn’t look up or greet the patient. ...

Is Mental Health Accessible Enough?

This past week has been a difficult time as our entire nation grieves yet another school shooting. Putting aside any political views or finger pointing, I have to ask; are mental health services readily available and accessible enough? Many health organizations ...

The Power of a Simple “Thank You”

Posted by Kristin Baird Last week I blogged about the importance of taking time to celebrate successes. In our busy world, we tend to move quickly from one thing to the next. Just like celebration, it’s important to take the time to ...

Micromanaging Erodes Employee Trust & Culture

Posted by Kristin Baird There is nothing more deflating than working for a micromanager – someone who thinks he or she must oversee and control each and every detail of operations. The worst part is having a micromanager who has absolutely ...

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