Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Lead or Manage for a Better Patient Experience?

Posted by Kristin Baird In our coaching work, we often team up with managers who need support in becoming better leaders. They often have mastered managing, but need support learning how to lead. Managers vs. Leaders A very simplified version of the distinction ...

Good Listens: Data Mining to Understand the Patient Experience

Written By: Brian Schanen, MS, Marketing Coordinator Review of: Small Business Success Podcast 051—Marcus Lemonis, Secret Data Miner If there is one thing I get excited about as a marketer, it is data. I still remember my marketing professor in college constantly saying, ...

Technically Solid but Toxic

Posted by Kristin Baird I have the utmost respect for leaders who deal with toxic behavior head on. Many healthcare leaders still look past the gossips and groaners because they have good technical skills. Some leaders feel they have to tolerate BMWs ...

The Patient Experience is Your Brand

Posted by Kristin Baird For people not in marketing, there is a common assumption that a company’s brand is the logo. It’s easy to understand the assumption because the logo is the part of the corporate identity that can be seen ...

No Shortcuts on Frontline Service Training

Posted by Kristin Baird Not long ago, I was doing customer service training on service recovery. One of the participants pulled me aside after the training and said, “I’ve read all this before on and thought I got it. But today’s training forced ...

Don’t Assume – Validate

Posted by Kristin Baird Setting standards and training for service behaviors are essential to creating and sustaining a human-centered culture.  The problem is that you can’t train and then assume everyone is living up to the expectations. Big mistake. It’s not what ...

Child advocacy is everyone’s responsibility

Posted by Kristin Baird Anyone working in healthcare should advocate for patients. Patients are vulnerable and frightened. It’s an expectation that comes with the job. When I worked as a public health nurse, I had daily opportunities to serve as a ...

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