Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

5 Steps for Building a Storytelling Culture

Written By: Kristin Baird, RN, BSN, MHA Everybody loves a great story. For healthcare professionals that’s a great thing because, within the walls of our organizations, every day, there are dozens, even hundreds, of stories taking shape. If only we could ...

4 Steps to Make Training Stick

Posted by Kristin Baird Training is more than a one-and-done approach. To make your training stick, you need to follow a 4-step process: pre-work, training, coaching and finally, reinforcement. Coach, Mentor & Model Service BehaviorsTrain, Retain & SustainService Recovery Is More Than a CouponTraining is ...

Harvest & Share the Stories to Build Your Brand and Employee Engagement

Posted by Kristin Baird Stories shape cultures and the organization’s brand. Yet storytelling is often underrated or delegated to the communication department as a task. Fostering a storytelling culture is a sadly missed opportunity. Fostering a Storytelling Culture Becoming a storytelling culture won’t ...

The real cost of disengaged employees

Posted by Kristin Baird One of my favorite workshops to deliver is “Coaching for Engagement and Improved Performance”. Why? Because I love to see lightbulbs going on as participants start to make the connections between their leadership styles, and the overall ...

You don’t have to coach all high performers

Posted by Kristin Baird I was recently doing a coaching and engagement workshop for a group of healthcare leaders. During the discussion, a group of participants said that they don’t bother coaching their high performers, because, after all, they’re already high ...

Coach, Mentor & Model Service Behaviors

Posted by Kristin Baird It’s not unusual for us to hear that past training efforts just didn’t stick. When we drill down to learn what had been done in the past and how it was delivered, we’re never surprised to hear ...

Communication is Like a Dance

Posted by Kristin Baird Communication is at the core of the patient/provider relationship. While both verbal and non-verbal communication come into play during every encounter, it is often the subtle things that make the biggest impact. I was shadow/coaching a hospitalist a ...

That’s just Jenny – and other culture-killing excuses

Posted by Kristin Baird I see it all the time -The beautifully framed statements of “commitment to service” hanging within arm’s reach of the organization’s biggest standards contradictions. It happened just two weeks ago when I was visiting a healthcare organization that ...

Feedback Improves Employee Engagement and Patient Experience

Posted by Kristin Baird Having an engaged workforce and loyal patients doesn’t happen by chance. And it won’t happen with just one smile-lesson-type class. You need to foster a culture of feedback. While training is an important element in creating a great, consistent patient ...

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