Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Welcome Back – Let’s Normalize the Career Break

This morning I was reading an article in Harvard Business Review about the importance of employers normalizing a career break. This makes such good sense, especially for nurses and other caregivers who are questioning a career change after a grueling ...

Recognition is Like Manure

In the play, Hello Dolly, Dolly Levi says, “Money is like manure. It’s not worth a thing unless you spread it around helping young things to grow.” Substitute the word money in this quote with the word, recognition and you ...

Toxic Cultures Impede Critical Thinking

I’ve had a series of encounters as a customer lately that shed new light on characteristics of toxic culture. They demonstrate that a toxic cultures impede critical thinking. The Home Security Company My first experience involved home security. I sat on the ...

5 Signs Your Culture is Toxic

Organizational leaders these days almost universally claim their commitment to a culture that nurtures and supports talent, innovation, engagement and loyalty. Yet many of these same leaders are, in fact, operating in environments that are more toxic than supportive. The Trouble ...

Ownership and Culture

In my experience, organizations can only create a consistently positive patient experience when they foster a culture of ownership. This starts when leaders help every employee to see his connection to the organization’s success. It requires a mindset that is ...

Create a Drama-Free Zone

Google the term, “workplace drama” and you will get 55,000,000 results. Why? Because it is one of the most common culprits of workplace dysfunction. As a leader it is up to you to create a drama-free zone. Drama Drama can be a ...

Your Culture May Not Be Ready for Best Practices

I recently spoke with a CEO, who was venting his frustration over their poor patient satisfaction scores. He gave me a whole list of best practices they had tried, but didn’t stick. Hearing this once or twice a week in ...

You’re Two Feet Away From Better Leadership

Keeping in close touch with both the patients and the staff is key when it comes to creating a more patient-centered culture. A leader sends a strong message that service is a top priority and not just lip service, simply ...

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