How to Become a Soul-crushing Micromanager

Posted by Kristin Baird

I’m pretty sure no one sets out to be a soul-crushing manager. In fact, most of us start with really good intentions. So with all these great intentions, how do we get there? By being a micromanager.  I’ve never seen a management training or an MBA program with curriculum focused on becoming soul-crushing micromanagers. But it happens.  If you’ve ever worked for a micromanager, you know just how stifling it can be. Here are just a few signs that you might be one:

  • Constantly looking over people’s shoulders
  • Questioning every decision made by your team members
  • Insisting on staying “in the loop” by being cc’d on emails, invited to meetings and demanding updates
  • Continually feeling like you could do things better
  • Always feeling dissatisfied with deliverables

How to Avoid Micromanagement

If any or all of these sound like you, maybe it’s time to step back and re-think your management style. What can you let go of? Set expectations by telling what you want, but not necessarily how to do it. By shifting your focus to the bigger picture and letting others maximize their talents, you’ll be building higher engagement and chances are, you’ll feel better about the team and the work too.

  1. Micromanaging Erodes Employee Trust & Culture
  2. Is Your Leadership Driving BMWs?
  3. Patients get Impatient
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