You’re Two Feet Away From Better Leadership

Keeping in close touch with both the patients and the staff is key when it comes to creating a more patient-centered culture. A leader sends a strong message that service is a top priority and not just lip service, simply by observing and giving regular feedback and support. The best way to be both visible and observant is through rounding. 

Rounding is nothing new. Florence Nightingale was known as “the lady with the lamp” because she was continually rounding on her patients, day and night. Imagine what those conditions were like, compared to today. She didn’t have the medications or comfort measures we have today. She didn’t have the technology to send an alert to housekeeping or dietary to address one of her patients’ needs. But what she did have, was a firm commitment to her patients. This was demonstrated by being fully present. 

How to Round

Rounding is simple, really. You put one foot in front of the other, walk out of your office, and connect with your staff and your customers.  This is how you assess how well your team is delivering care and find out what patients are thinking; where you learn who on your staff is going above and beyond so you can thank them; and how you demonstrate to your staff that their work is important enough for you to want to see. 

It’s natural to want to round with purpose. You have specific things you want to learn and document, but rounding is not just about that checklist, and it’s important that it isn’t over-engineered. The real secret to success is to just do it. You’re just 2 feet away from a culture of accountability. 
Want to improve your rounding skills? We have a module for that! The Power of Visibility and Presence is just one of 8 modules in Be the Leader Nobody Wants to Leave. The next cohort starts 3/18/21


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