Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

3 Ways to Keep Millennial Employees Engaged

It’s not unusual to hear Boomer leaders lamenting about how quickly Millennial workers leave positions for new opportunities. The truth is, these are two very different generations with very different life experiences. Rather than disparaging the entire Millennial workforce, it’s ...

Focus on Culture and Scores Will Follow

Posted by Kristin Baird HCAHPS has leveled the playing field when it comes to measuring patient satisfaction. But with the publicly reported scores has come a nearly obsessive focus on the numbers. I must admit that I get impatient with healthcare ...

Moving on from betrayal at work

Workplace betrayal can have profound effect on both individuals and the entire culture. But how you manage it is up to you. You can be a victim which will keep you in a vulnerable state, or you can look squarely ...

Is Your Leadership Driving BMWs?

Posted by Kristin Baird Language is an important part of culture, and leaders are vital in creating a common language. The problem is that people are often unaware of the communication habits, such as BMW, that prevail. A few months ago I was spending time ...

The Triple Crown in Patient Experience

Posted by Kristin Baird When it comes to creating a consistently positive patient experience there are three key words every leader and team member must adhere to. They are persistence, insistence and consistence. It is not unusual for us to enter into ...

Micromanaging Erodes Employee Trust & Culture

Posted by Kristin Baird There is nothing more deflating than working for a micromanager – someone who thinks he or she must oversee and control each and every detail of operations. The worst part is having a micromanager who has absolutely ...

Patient Experience Isn’t a Program

Posted by Kristin Baird When my team and I are working with organizations, our ears prick up when we hear things like, “We had a patient experience program and it didn’t work.” Or, “We did a customer service program, but it ...

Want to Change the Culture? Start with the Words You Choose

Posted by Kristin Baird Over the years there have been numerous articles about the importance of storytelling in shaping organizational culture. When I talk with healthcare leaders about storytelling, I’m often met with looks that say, “Yea, yea, tell me something ...
