Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

In These Scary Times, Look for the Helpers

Between the COVID surge and the rioting at the capital, there are many reasons for us to feel frightened, anxious, and sad because there is so much that is beyond our control. This is the perfect time to remember the ...

Protect Your Culture Against Negativity

The COVID vaccine has dominated the news for weeks as we celebrate frontline workers receiving the long-awaited injections, to protect them.  As a former public health nurse, I am a staunch believer in vaccines. They protect us against nasty viruses that ...

No Crystal Ball for 2021? You Can Still Plan Ahead

How you lead in 2021 will be crucial to your team and your own leadership trajectory.  Nothing puts a leader to the test more than a crisis, especially when that crisis lasts for months. The COVID-19 pandemic tests everyone, but ...

Two Most Dangerous Words in Healthcare

Several months ago, we did a full day workshop with a team of healthcare leaders on “Creating an Engaged Workforce”. It’s always inspiring for me to be able to work with leaders at the front line. This is where real ...

Workplace Drama – Your Patients See It

Moods are contagious. If you’ve ever been dragged into someone’s drama in the workplace, you know how damaging it can be to staff morale.  One person gossiping or finding fault in others sends a ripple through the team. So it’s ...

Resilience Supports a Positive Culture

We live and work in uncertain times where change is a constant. With the amount of change and demands upon us, resilience is essential.  Healthy cultures strive for resiliency at individual, unit, and organizational levels. People and organizations develop resilience. ...

Nurses Leave Their Managers, Not Their Jobs

Turnover is costly in every profession, but in nursing it takes its toll. Not only financially, but it affects quality, safety, and service.  The 2020 NSI National Health Care Retention & RN Staffing Report, found that the average cost per ...
