Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Driving the Patient Experience: What You Permit, You Promote

Every hospital we’ve ever worked with has a series of expectations for their staff members related to the patient experience. Things like addressing patients by their preferred name or taking responsibility for trash or spills are usually on the list. Your ...

Rising Above a Toxic Environment

Rising Above a Toxic Environment by Angela Fieler I went to the grocery store this morning and noticed something strange. Everybody I crossed paths with was looking down at the ground and their body language screamed defeat. Ever the optimist, I tried ...

The Root Cause of Gossip

Just one gossip on the team can erode even the strongest organizational culture. In fact, gossip is among the top contributors to a toxic culture. Not only does it destroy trust among peers, but it decreases team and individual performance. Why ...

Gossip Feeds a Toxic Culture

Gossip, when left unchecked, is among the top contributors to a toxic culture. Gossip erodes trust and psychological safety of both the individual and the team. And it can diminish the performance of both. So, what can you do to keep gossip ...

Who’s Exempt from Living the Company Values?

It can be hard to take an honest look at your company values and what needs to change in your culture. Especially when doing so requires that you change your own behavior. And yet, that is exactly what happens when, ...

Living Your Values vs Window Dressing

A thriving, engaged culture starts with having substantive values. It means living them with unwavering consistency. People will rally around a shared vision and values when they are concise and sincere. Anything less is just window dressing.  Connecting Values with Social Issues I was ...

Values Start in the C-Suite

A few years ago, I was invited to meet with the executive team of a healthcare system. The team included two CEOs – one led the hospitals and the other oversaw the medical practices. While waiting in the lobby prior ...
