Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Want Employee Engagement? Ask these 3 questions.

It is no secret that engaged employees deliver a better customer experience and have lower turnover. Yet, knowing this data and knowing how to improve employee engagement are two very different things. I recently had a senior leader tell me, ...

Stop Fixing & Start Coaching

There is a phenomenon among newly-minted managers. When someone presents a problem, they often feel the need to fix it because, after all, they are now the manager.  Fixing presents two problems. First, they are adding more responsibility and psychological ...

4 Signs That You Aren’t Coachable

Coaching is a vital skill for leaders at all levels and is essential to achieving optimal performance of your team. Great coaches are made, not born. They learn and apply the skills needed to be a good coach. Sure, you ...

No Crystal Ball for 2021? You Can Still Plan Ahead

How you lead in 2021 will be crucial to your team and your own leadership trajectory.  Nothing puts a leader to the test more than a crisis, especially when that crisis lasts for months. The COVID-19 pandemic tests everyone, but ...

Great Coaches are Coached Themselves

One of the keys to great leadership is having good coaching skills. The problem is many newly minted managers and supervisors lack these skills. Healthcare organizations, in particular, often have good intentions for development, but never bring them to fruition. ...

Heartwire to Strengthen Employee Engagement

Healthcare leaders want to see consistency. After all, that is the essence of a high reliability organization. It is important to hold everyone accountable for certain service behaviors to ensure that they happen consistently. The goal is that, with repetition, ...

Stop Managing and Start Coaching

The adage goes, people leave their bosses, not their jobs. But would fewer people leave their jobs if their managers acted more like coaches than bosses? Managing typically employs a set of skills needed to keep the department running smoothly. ...

Coach, Don’t Fix

At Baird Group, we define coaching as a supportive relationship that fosters learning, transformation and growth. Helping others to grow and reach their potential is one of the most rewarding aspects of leadership. But certain habits might be keeping you ...
