Who Are Your Stars?

Posted by Kristin Baird

One of the things I love about mystery shopping is that we can point out the stars who make the most positive impressions and who are living the organization’s brand promise.

People think mystery shopping focuses on problems. Not so. Mystery shopping shares the facts. This approach validates the experience in real time.


We recently completed a mystery shopping project where we were validating whether the staff was consistently demonstrating the organization’s standards. Inconsistencies identified training opportunities. We also found people who stood out as service stars. Validating which associates were making the best, most consistent first impressions gave our client an opportunity to thank and reinforce their best team members.

Do you know who your stars are? Make sure you recognize them for living the values and boosting your organization’s reputation.

  1. Don’t Assume – Validate
  2. Prove It!
  3. Mystery Shopping is Nothing to Fear
  4. Who would you clone?
  5. 5 Patient Experience “Never Events”
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