Archive: Patient Experience

Running from Service Recovery Opportunities?

Posted by Kristin Baird  It’s human nature to run from danger. When you are trained as a paramedic, firefighter, police officer you are taught to run toward the danger. They know that their role is to identify the problem and take ...

Let’s Get Real About Incentives

Posted by Kristin Baird It’s pretty common for me to get calls from healthcare leaders who are struggling with physician HCAHPS scores. It’s also common for me to learn that there are little or no consequences for physicians who have poor patient satisfaction scores. They ...

Add the Patient to the Care Team

How are you inviting patient engagement? Patient engagement is a priority for many organizations. It seems that everywhere I look there is another piece of technology being release along with claims that it increases patient engagement. If you ask me, I ...

Balance the Tasks with Caring Behaviors

Posted by Kristin Baird Working in healthcare takes an immense amount of technical skills especially when you work in direct patient care. After all, if you screw up an important technical task, you could hurt, or even kill someone. But it ...

Last Impressions are Lasting Impressions

We’ve all heard the saying, “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.”  While there is truth in that statement, let’s not forget the importance of the last impression. It’s the last impression that can put ...

No Pass Zones Support Nurses and Patient Experience

There is no doubt that nurses carry the bulk of patient care in hospitals. And in today’s world, patients are sicker and stay for shorter periods, meaning that more must be accomplished in a shorter period of time. In addition ...

Ignore Complainers at Your Own Risk

Posted by Kristin Baird  For some people, complaining is their default communication style. Often, they don’t even realize they’re a complainer because it is such an engrained habit. I worked with a woman once who looked at everything with a negative ...

Defining Moments in the Patient Experience

A few weeks ago we sent a mystery shopper in to an urgent care for services. Their experience demonstrated the importance of ownership in the patient experience. The woman at the reception desk didn’t look up or greet the patient. ...

Is Mental Health Accessible Enough?

This past week has been a difficult time as our entire nation grieves yet another school shooting. Putting aside any political views or finger pointing, I have to ask; are mental health services readily available and accessible enough? Many health organizations ...
