Archive: Attitude

Fostering Civility in an Increasingly Uncivil World

You’re in the cafeteria when a political ad comes on the television, prompting a heated discussion among a group of employees on their lunch break. A patient asks you what you think about the upcoming election and Bozo ...

A Bad Day or a Lousy Attitude?

Everyone has a bad day now and then, but there’s a cumulative effect for people who seem to have more than their fair share of bad days. At what point are the bad days an excuse for a bad attitude? ...

Beware the Toxic Superstar

A few months ago, I was doing leadership development in a critical access hospital. The CEO is a strong leader and fairly new to his role. He has a clear vision of where he wants to take the organization, and I honestly ...

The Power of One: Healthcare Customer Service

Healthcare customer service is a critical component of delivering quality patient care. Patients and their families expect to be treated with kindness, empathy, and respect. Their experiences with healthcare providers can significantly impact their overall satisfaction with the care they ...

Do Small Things in a Great Way

It’s no secret that small things add up quickly when it comes to the patient experience. Because high-quality and safe care is assumed by the patients and residents, it is often the small acts of kindness that stand out the most. Throughout ...

One Bad Apple Will Spoil the Bunch

When it comes to building and sustaining a cohesive team, hiring for fit is key. One problem individual can unravel the fabric of the entire group. I don’t know a single experienced leader who hasn’t made a hiring mistake at some ...

Your Internal Monologue can Sabotage your Leadership 

Your Internal Monologue can Sabotage your Leadership    Millions of messages play in your head all day, every day without the slightest awareness. Although they may seem innocuous, these mental nudges subtly shape your beliefs and drive both your emotions and actions. ...

3 Questions to Ask Before Assuming Bad Attitude

3 Questions to Ask Before Assuming Bad Attitude   I was coaching a new manager who said she was getting really frustrated with the bad attitudes of her team. She wanted them to deliver better customer service and felt they were being ...

Accountability Strengthens the Culture

Accountability Strengthens the Culture   A culture of accountability doesn’t just happen. It takes persistence well after you state your expectations. Parenting would be easy if you could tell your kids once, and only once, to do something and know for certain it ...
