Archive: Leadership

Lead Is a Verb. Take Action Now

One of my colleagues often reminds our clients that the word lead is a verb and, as we learned in grade school, verbs are action words. So what actions are most important today? Coaching rises to the top. To Lead Is ...

Complaining, Resisting Change, or Speaking up?

In our fast-paced culture, change is a way of life. One thing I know for certain is that when making changes to systems, processes, and workflows, you must listen first and engage stakeholders. Without stakeholder input at every step of change, ...

When Is a Number Just a Number?

The Goal-Setting Process: When Is a Number Just a Number? By Angela Fieler It’s October – the time of year when leaves start to change, people begin preparing for year-end holidays, and some organizations begin the budgeting and goal-setting process for the new year. ...

Navigating the Nursing Shortage: Beyond Jobs

Nurses are the backbone of healthcare delivery and the current nursing shortage has given nurses everywhere a unique gift. Now, more than ever, nurses have the freedom to choose when, where, and how much they want to work. While the ...

Setting New Managers Up For Success

The role of a manager has evolved from mere supervision to becoming a crucial driver of employee engagement, team performance, and organizational success. A seasoned leader can navigate all these needs, but what about the newly promoted managers? With guidance ...

Walking the Talk: Aligning Words and Actions

In the realm of leadership, words and actions are powerful tools that, when aligned, can create a profound impact on team engagement and loyalty. It's not enough for leaders to simply articulate their intentions; they must also ensure they are ...

Leading with Heart: Showing You Care

Great leaders understand that their team members are their most valuable asset, and they prioritize building strong relationships based on trust, respect, and genuine care. But showing up every day and handing out a few words of platitude isn't going ...
