Archive: Culture Catalyst

Keep Calm and Get Real

Posted by Kristin Baird One thing I love about our Coaching for Engagement and Improved Performance workshop is seeing attendees reach those “Aha!” moments when they start to see their challenges in a new light. A few weeks ago, I was working ...

3 Sure Signs that Employee Engagement is Slipping

Written By: Kristin Baird, RN, BSN, MHA It’s been well documented that there is a strong correlation between employee engagement and patient satisfaction. That’s why it is essential for leaders at all levels to remain vigilant about engagement. Even minor downward ...

Coaching or Training?

Posted by Kristin Baird This morning I had a discussion with one of my clients about accountability. Like many leaders, she finds that holding others accountable is one of the most difficult aspects of her work. During our conversation, she shared that ...

How NOT to Talk to a Disengaged Employee

Posted by Kristin Baird Employee engagement is at the core of any company’s performance. But in healthcare, where the patient experience drives loyalty, trust, and even reimbursement, engagement is paramount to success. A disengaged employee needs coaching right away.  Spotting and addressing ...

Accountability Can’t Be Optional

Posted by Kristin Baird I am a firm believer in setting and upholding service standards. In fact, I first implemented service standards in 1996 and wrote about the importance of them in my book, Customer Service in Healthcare (2000, Jossey Bass). It ...

Does Your Patient Experience Match Your Advertising?

Posted by Kristin Baird Healthcare organizations spent over $10 billion in advertising in 2017. I come from a background in marketing and business development. This background gives me a firm grasp of the value of a well-constructed campaign. But no amount of marketing ...

Excuse Du Jour

Posted by Kristin Baird Excuses are, perhaps, the greatest barrier to achieving greatness in both our personal and professional lives. Healthcare organizations often embrace a culture of excuses without even realizing that it’s happening. I frequently witness healthcare leaders engaging in ...

3 Key Steps for Jump Starting the Patient Experience in 2018

Written By: Kristin Baird, RN, BSN, MHA  Setting patient experience improvement goals is easy. Achieving them, however takes perseverance. Healthcare delivery is complex and there is no shortage of competing priorities for your time, attention and other resources. Delivering a consistently ...

Good Read: The Science of Pep Talks

As Baird Group works with clients to transform culture and improve the patient experience, a vital element we address is communication. When we assess cultures in healthcare settings, we often find that leadership messaging is working against – rather than ...
