Archive: Culture Catalyst

If You See Something, Say Something

If You See Something, Say Something, by Angela Fieler In July 2010, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) launched a national campaign to train state and local law enforcement to recognize behaviors and indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime. They then ...

Culture Determines if Best Practices Gain Traction

Patient experience literature is loaded with information about best practices. It’s tempting to dive right in and start implementing these tactics but without a supportive culture, even the best, best practices will fail. We see it all the time. Leaders from ...

Living Your Values vs Window Dressing

A thriving, engaged culture starts with having substantive values. It means living them with unwavering consistency. People will rally around a shared vision and values when they are concise and sincere. Anything less is just window dressing.  Connecting Values with Social Issues I was ...

Are Your Organizational Values Off the Wall?

It seems everybody wants a magic wand to fix culture and live the organizational values. Immediately. The reality is that your culture wasn’t shaped in a week, nor will it be shifted quickly. One of the surest ways to create ...

Values Start in the C-Suite

A few years ago, I was invited to meet with the executive team of a healthcare system. The team included two CEOs – one led the hospitals and the other oversaw the medical practices. While waiting in the lobby prior ...

Dump the Pebble from Your Shoe

Many years ago, when I was first starting to do culture-shifting work, I learned a technique for showing employees that they were being heard. We put out an organization-wide request for employees to identify little irritations at work. We thought ...

From Burnout to Recovery: Re-Engaging Exhausted Staff

Burnout isn’t a new phenomenon in healthcare, but in the last 20 months, the issue has been brought to the forefront. It’s so prevalent the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) has classified it as an occupational phenomenon.  Burn-out is defined in ...

Employee Engagement Flourishes in a Coaching Culture

  A coaching culture may be just what healthcare needs to improve employee engagement and retention during today’s Great Resignation. Peter Drucker famously said, “culture eats strategy for breakfast.” So, while you may spend weeks mapping out a comprehensive plan, it may be ...

In healthcare, culture speaks louder than words

We’ve all heard it said that actions speak louder than words. But when you think about it; your organizational culture speaks louder than any ad, recruitment brochure, annual report or mission statement. It’s your culture that drives employee behaviors, determines ...

Culture by Design: Three Steps to Make it Happen

Culture by Design: Three Steps to Make it Happen The phrase “culture is king” is thrown around quite a bit in business circles and yet, if you talk to healthcare leaders, you’ll find that there aren’t many who feel that their ...
