Archive: Celebrations

4 Reasons to Have More Fun at Work

Did you know that having fun at work is not just a luxury but a necessity for your well-being and productivity? Working in a medical setting, you know better than anyone that the work can be challenging, stressful, and emotionally ...

Begin Your Day With Gratitude

Science has proven what the heart has always known. That gratitude changes lives. I personally try to begin each day with my gratitude list. It keeps me both grounded and optimistic. We all do better when we feel and express ...

5 Tips for Celebrating & Supporting Nurses All Year

Posted by Kristin Baird It’s Nurse’s Week and I am loving all the inspiring and heart-warming articles and ads giving recognition to this most trusted profession. It’s great that once a year we put nurses in the limelight and celebrate their ...

Take Time to Celebrate Success

Posted by Kristin Baird Ask anyone working in healthcare and they will tell you they are busier than ever. Whether at the front lines of patient care or in the C-suite, healthcare is changing fast, steeped in regulation, and doesn’t show ...
