August 19th, 2021
3 Questions to Ask Before Assuming Bad Attitude
I was coaching a new manager who said she was getting really frustrated with the bad attitudes of her team. She wanted them to deliver better customer service and felt they were being ...
August 17th, 2021
Engage the Heart to Engage Employees
The term “hardwiring” is a familiar one in the healthcare industry and typically focuses on consistent behaviors rather than employee engagement. There is merit in hardwiring behaviors for consistency, but it’s equally important to “heart ...
August 12th, 2021
Accountability Strengthens the Culture
A culture of accountability doesn’t just happen. It takes persistence well after you state your expectations.
Parenting would be easy if you could tell your kids once, and only once, to do something and know for certain it ...
August 3rd, 2021
Culture is Evident at Every Touch Point
A few years ago, I was coaching a hospital CEO who said, “I know culture is important but honestly I hate talking about it. Culture is an ethereal term. Nobody really can really lay ...
July 29th, 2021
Feedback Isn’t Positive or Negative
Have you ever noticed that people tend to preface the word feedback with a qualifier such as positive or negative? The truth is feedback isn’t positive or negative. It’s feedback. Period.
The dictionary defines feedback as: information ...
July 21st, 2021
Don’t Count Me Out – How Family Members Can Help Improve Patient Experience and Outcome
By Angela Fieler
Sitting by my mom’s hospital bedside recently, I was struck by the impact COVID has had on patient-family-caregiver relationships. The healthcare team never stopped ...
July 15th, 2021
Create a Well Founded Service Recovery Culture - 3 Essentials for Success
Written By: Kristin Baird, RN, BSN, MHA
It takes more than smile lessons and a pocket full of gift cards to create a well-founded service recovery culture. There are three ...
July 13th, 2021
Written By: Kristin Baird, RN, BSN, MHA
Service missteps are inevitable, but disgruntled patients are not. No matter how hard you try, no matter how many processes you put into place, there will be times when you disappoint your customers, but ...
February 16th, 2021
Most clients I have worked with say they are striving to be customer-committed. And yet, whether you look at CAHPS scores or the American Customer Satisfaction Index, customers aren’t feeling the love. I’ve had some clients say that they’ve had ...
June 23rd, 2020
When people talk about great communication skills, they most often refer to how one speaks or writes. But listening is by far the most important communication skill and is often underrated. There is an art to being a good listener, ...