Archive: Articles - Leadership

Are Your $100 Bills Going to Sacred Cows?

Written By: Kristin Baird, MHA, BSN, RN If it’s good enough for millionaires, it should be more than good enough for healthcare professionals! Whether you call it the “Power Hour,” the “Sacred 60,” or something else, as this Forbes piece points out, ...

5-Star Rating Comes from 5-Star Leadership

In April, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the 5-star rating system for patient satisfaction. It’s a simplified approach to reporting The Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) in a way that will, hopefully, ...

Leaders Don’t Duck

We’ve all been there—faced with a critical moment of truth when we might offer some much-needed feedback (constructive or corrective) to an employee, but we let the moment go. Maybe it’s because we don’t feel the setting is appropriate—perhaps we’re ...

Listen to Your Patients in Stereo

You’ve conducted a very extensive patient satisfaction survey and you’ve just received the results. You’ve gathered your leadership team together and you’re diving into the data. There’s a lot of information—and you’ve paid a lot to attain it. But what ...
