Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Don’t Say That!

Posted by Kristin Baird We’re understaffed – 3 words that shake patient confidence I cannot think of one time in my career when I heard caregivers complain about being overstaffed. Being understaffed, however is a daily occurrence in hospitals and medical practices ...

What’s Next? Your Patient Wants to Know

Surprises can be exciting when it comes to birthday gifts, but patients really don’t appreciate surprises. When I interview patients about what is most important to them about their care, being informed is always in the top two. They want ...

I’d love this job if it wasn’t for the patients

"I’d love this job if it wasn’t for the patients." Hopefully this negative line sounds ridiculous to anyone working in healthcare. After all – without patients, there is no healthcare industry. And yet, I have heard this sentiment expressed in ...

Balance the Tasks with Caring Behaviors

Posted by Kristin Baird Working in healthcare takes an immense amount of technical skills especially when you work in direct patient care. After all, if you screw up an important technical task, you could hurt, or even kill someone. But it ...

Dear “insert name here” you are special to us – really!

Posted by Kristin Baird Have you ever gotten an obviously mass-produced form-letter telling you how unique and special you are? Do you believe these messages? Probably not. I can tolerate (but just barely) this approach from companies selling cable TV, siding, ...

Coming to you Live from an Exam Room Near You

Posted by Kristin Baird In today’s world of digital communication, consumers share everything from photos of their food to gross videos of bodily functions. Snapshots and videos from medical facilities are among the frequently posted images online. Unfortunately, the medical facility ...

Knowing Vs. Doing

Posted by Kristin Baird Here’s one thing I know for certain about improving the culture and the patient experience – thinking and planning are not the same as taking action. I’ve seen many healthcare leaders confuse the two and then wonder ...

Last Impressions are Lasting Impressions

We’ve all heard the saying, “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.”  While there is truth in that statement, let’s not forget the importance of the last impression. It’s the last impression that can put ...

A Sign Doesn’t Deliver Great Service

A friend of mine recently shared a great story with me about her daughter’s recent emergency department visit. She had taken her daughter to the ED with complaints of severe stomach pain after having endoscopy.  She was taken to a ...

People Behaving Badly – The Real Cost of Disengagement

Written By: Kristin Baird, RN, BSN, MHA  There’s no argument to make for the value of a disengaged employee. In fact, most leaders would likely agree that disengaged workers are costly in many ways—and they’re right! And yet, data suggests that ...

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