Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

This is what ownership looks like!

Posted by Kristin Baird  Organizations that want to achieve the best possible patient experience need everyone on board and taking ownership of the experience.  Ownership can’t be lip service. Ownership must be woven into the fabric of the culture and daily ...

Unwritten Rules Shape Culture

Written By: Kristin Baird, RN, BSN, MHA Culture, in its simplest definition, is “how we really do things around here.” Regardless of the written policies, codes of conduct, and wall-mounted plaques espousing values, it is the unwritten rules that, if left ...

Gossip is a Culture Cancer – Here’s the Cure

Posted by Kristin Baird Face it. Dig beneath any organizational issue and you’re likely to unearth varying degrees of communication problems. Organizations are, after all, comprised of people and dependent upon good relationships among those people to achieve organizational goals. Gossip ...

Put Your Courage to the Test

Posted by Kristin Baird I recently did a presentation to healthcare marketers and played a game of “Never have I ever” to kick it off. Participants were asked to self-disclose several things, like whether or not they knew the current patient ...

Example spreads like flesh-eating bacteria

Posted by Kristin Baird It’s no secret that leaders are crucial in driving culture, especially when it comes to modeling and holding team members accountable for service behaviors. We have been working with an organization on making necessary culture shifts. One of ...

Training Alone Won’t Fix a Dysfunctional Culture

Posted by Kristin Baird It’s not uncommon for us to get requests to do organization-wide training to fix service issues. It would be easy for us to march in and do the requested training and head home. We wouldn’t do anyone ...

“I don’t have time” and other myths in leadership

Posted by Kristin Baird Leader rounding and coaching are two essentials of leadership that go hand in hand. If you aren’t rounding, you’re missing opportunities for on-the-spot coaching and recognition. If I had a dime for every time I have heard ...

Keep Calm and Get Real

Posted by Kristin Baird One thing I love about our Coaching for Engagement and Improved Performance workshop is seeing attendees reach those “Aha!” moments when they start to see their challenges in a new light. A few weeks ago, I was working ...

Compassion Fatigue is Real

Posted by Angela Fieler Newsflash!  Compassion fatigue is real.  I’m not sure I believed that until today.  Today, I wanted to strangle someone who I love dearly.  I was the living, breathing embodiment of that meme that says, “I have one ...

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