Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

There’s No Try in Leadership

I was recently coaching an executive whose team had failed to meet a stated goal. He wanted to give them another chance to try, so I asked him to make a list of things he could do differently to get ...

Dear CEO, Nurses Need Your Help

Even before COVID, nurses were stressed and burning out at higher rates than ever before. Now, they are under even greater stress for a multitude of reasons and want to be heard. Some have turned to unions.  A few weeks ago, ...

Authoritative Leaders Need Not Apply

It seems to me that the concept of accountability is getting a bad rap. I had someone tell me the other day that the reason I don’t see accountability as a bad thing is because I spent 25 years in ...

3 Ways to Keep Millennial Employees Engaged

It’s not unusual to hear Boomer leaders lamenting about how quickly Millennial workers leave positions for new opportunities. The truth is, these are two very different generations with very different life experiences. Rather than disparaging the entire Millennial workforce, it’s ...

A Dirty Room Destroyed my Trust

This week I ventured back out to re-experience air travel and hotel stays after my long hiatus, compliments of the COVID-19 pandemic. I’m vigilant about handwashing and other precautions. Other than mask wearing and tripling my hand sanitizing and surface ...

Medical Mystery Shopping Myth Busters

Posted by Kristin Baird Myth 1: Mystery shopping is used as a “gotcha!” tactic to punish staff.  Conducted appropriately, mystery shopping is a valuable method for improving quality, including identifying weaknesses and strengths and, ultimately, pointing out your organization’s star performers and best practices. ...

People Leave Their Managers, Not Their Jobs

Posted by Kristin Baird For years I’ve heard that employees leave their managers, not the organization. This adage was confirmed as a reality when I conducted interviews with CNOS across the country to learn the cause and effects of nurse turnover.  The ...

Good Read: Do You Trust Me?

Written By: Angela Fieler, MPA, CMQ/OE, Senior Consultant  Recently, I have noticed that trust, or more accurately, a lack of trust, has become a common theme in the cultural assessments Baird Group has done.  I had a conversation about leadership development ...

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