Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Get Service Recovery Right the First Time

Posted by Kristin Baird  I am no stranger to travel. In fact, with my consulting business, I easily travel 150 days per year or more. During my many sojourns, I have experienced lost reservations, flight delays that cause me to miss ...

Beware the Holiday Hospital

Posted by Kristin Baird Years ago, I heard a healthcare leader talk about the four hospitals within every hospital. He said that there was the daytime hospital, the nighttime hospital, the weekend hospital, and the holiday hospital. He went on to ...

Look for the Mission Moments

Posted by Kristin Baird Every healthcare leader wants their associates to live up to the mission, vision and values (MVV). One excellent way to make that happen consistently, is to spot people doing the right thing, and letting them know it.  ...

Clear Expectations vs Mindreading

Posted by Kristin Baird How does a leader get everyone to achieve optimal performance? One sure way is to make clear expectations from the beginning. Over the past several years of coaching leaders, I’ve noticed that many coaching conversations center on setting ...

Culture is a way of life, not a project

Posted by Kristin Baird We help organizations maneuver culture change. And the difference between the ones who succeed and those who struggle comes down to a couple of significant factors. For one thing, the most successful organizations realize that culture change ...

Simple isn’t the same as easy

Posted by Kristin Baird How do I lose weight? Eat less and move more. Simple facts, but not always easy to execute consistently. It doesn’t mean easy. A few days ago, I was having a coaching call with a senior executive who ...

Where are you going?

Posted by Kristin Baird This question must be answered when leading an organization through culture change. Yet, many leaders don’t take the time to clearly articulate the vision for the culture of the future. This results in wasted time and energy, ...

It can be done

Posted by Kristin Baird When we talk about best practices in customer service, it’s not unusual to hear all the reasons it won’t work here, or it can’t be done. It can be done. I’ve seen it firsthand. Last week I had ...

Do you work here?

Posted by Kristin Baird Yesterday I was in a department store, poring through the racks, looking for a simple, white blouse. Mind you, I could have gone online and browsed a million sites, but I wanted to be able to feel ...

Find Joy Today and Take it With You

Posted by Kristin Baird When you ask most people in healthcare why they chose their careers, they will tell you that they wanted to help others. That internal drive to serve others can get buried in the daily grind, especially for ...

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