Is Access Hurting Your Patient Experience?

Posted by Kristin Baird

The TV commercials look great.  The website is up and is getting rave reviews. The growth strategy and marketing plans are on schedule, but patient volume remains the same. What is happening? Chances are good that you have access and service issues.

When we examined thousands of first-time calls for appointments across the country, a stunning 35% of the consumers report they are not likely to return to the provider with either a call or visit. It is a huge contributor to that score, but so is customer service.

Hold Off on Your Ad Campaign

Many well-intentioned marketing and strategy teams create plans that cannot be successful due to access issues. Where are your issues? Do you know where problems exist? Have you quantified access issues in every market and service line? How do you compare to your competitors? Until all those questions can be answered, you may want to hold off on your beautiful ad campaigns.

Mystery shopping is a proven method for assessing issues including competitive information. Find out how this research method can help you with access and service issues that are sending potential patients running to your competitors. It offers concrete numbers, but also the qualitative information that paints a true portrait.

  1. Don’t be afraid of mystery shopping….
  2. Quality Assurance for Patient Experience
  3. Patient Experience Takes Thousands of Ambassadors
  4. What’s The Story?
  5. Welcome. But Go Away – Is access killing your marketing plan?
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