The Triple Crown in Patient Experience

Posted by Kristin Baird

When it comes to creating a consistently positive patient experience there are three key words every leader and team member must adhere to. They are persistence, insistence and consistence.

It is not unusual for us to enter into a consulting relationship being told that they have tried everything and nothing has helped.  When we dig into the culture, we often learn that everything that was rolled out was a tactic di jour. In other words it was served up and never repeated. Why? Because it wasn’t inculturated (v. – to make a permanent part of the culture), it wasn’t set-up to be sticky.

Applying the 3 Words

Persistence is the key. You have to keep up the effort in the face of adversity and unforeseen circumstances. That means rounding even when you are busy. It means coaching in real time. It means finding and telling the stories that shape the culture. When you make excuses for not being a visible leader, things start to slide.

Insistence is the commitment to a standard that cannot waver. Leaders must set the standard, then hire, coach, mentor and model that standard. The minute a leader makes exceptions or accepts excuses, the standards become a suggestion rather than a standard. When leaders are insistent, associates start holding each other to the standard as well.

Consistence is what moves a culture from a tactic di jour to a way of life. When leaders are consistent in their leadership, the associates are more consistent in their behaviors which creates a more consistent patient experience.

Think about your organization and your personal leadership practices. Perhaps you could use a triple shot of persistence, insistence and consistence.

  1. Culture is a way of life, not a project
  2. Are you Chasing the Tactic Du Jour?
  3. Persistence, Consistence, and Insistence
  4. The Magnifying Glass and the Mirror
  5. Are you Permitting Too Much?
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