Don’t Assume. Validate Your Patient Experience.

Posted by Kristin Baird

I recently got a call from a Chief Experience Officer (CXO) who said her CEO was in a frenzy because a board member had had a bad experience with one of their medical practices. The CXO stated their frustration. She tried for two years to make improvements with the practices.  Physicians strong armed her, saying they “had things under control”. Their culture is one where administration doesn’t make waves with physicians, especially those who generate significant revenue. So this left the CXO with little support or control over the practices – the front door to the system.

It’s not unusual for us to hear stories like this. Problems are not addressed until a board member or high profile community member has a bad experience – then BAM! Houston we have a problem.

Part of this is because of the board member’s power and influence with the CEO. But part is because of the story. Stories move information from the head to the heart. Data from surveys is often impersonal. Real life stories validate the experience. Tell those stories and you’ve got people’s attention.

Observational Research

Conducting observational research is a great way to validate the patient experience along every step in their journey. When you use this method, you can tell a detailed story about the facts and feelings experienced at each step of the journey.

Baird Group has a proven methodology for observational research that validates the experience and delivers the patient experience story. For more information contact us at

  1. Don’t Assume – Validate
  2. You’re Just 2 Feet Away From Greater Accountability
  3. Training Alone Won’t Fix a Dysfunctional Culture
  4. Persistence, Consistence, and Insistence
  5. Want to Change the Culture? Start with the Words You Choose
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